Dad was busy working this past week, with a work gathering called the “General Assembly of the PCNSW”, which is a multi-day conference, so there wasn’t a lot happening in family life. Our puppy continues to settle in, the bird continues to be a bird, and the kids tried to make the most of the holiday while balancing the requirements of homework and not being able to catch up with friends because they had COVID.
In fact, our main family outing over the weekend was to go out together and get PCR tests after a number of friends reported they had unhappily picked up the popular virus. Here’s Huff, waiting for her PCR test.
Dad and Puff were similarly enthusiastic at this opportunity for family bonding.
With a negative result, Dad and Huff headed out to Fairfield after church, in search of exotic food. The place we were looking for was closed, but we found enough fun just walking around the suburb looking at unfamiliar sights, and then headed home again.
Hopefully another covid-free week awaits!