week 731 / week 603

Lots of adventures thus far (and lots of home days) in the end of school and start of holidays). Here’s Huff delivering her lines as Scarecrow to a couple of her friends.

huff in a play

Realising that huff is in year 6, and the number of times she wants to play on the swings is very limited, Dad took her past the swings on the way home. She still loves them, but the days are getting shorter.

huff on the swings with Dad

On the Queen’s memorial public holiday, both kids wanted to visit (different) friends for somewhat overlapping times, so Mum and Dad could have a meal together without kids. On the way back, Dad and Huff had a chance to stop for some naan and catching up.

huff enjoying some naan

Friday night the youth group had a dress-up night, and the kids went as a princess and abstract Scrooge McDuck respectively.

huff and puff off to win a dress-up night

Sunday after church we had lunch with new friends after Dad was guest preaching. Puff ordered an epic milkshake.

puff and an epic milkshake

And now we find ourselves in the middle of another set of school holidays!

week 730 / week 602

We are nearly at the end of another school term. The passage of time continues swiftly on. Pippin is a key part of family life; Huff took him for his first walk; he seemed to enjoy it. It was good to be a proud Dad watching her look after a little life and give him careful instruction.

huff walking Pippin

On Sunday Huff was in an end-of-term play for Sunday School. The costume was impressive.

huff ready for the Sunday School play

We had some family time after church having lunch together. Puff’s hair is growing out a bit: this may be the longest it’s ever been!

puff at ramen

His prowess with chopsticks is increasing too.

puff with chopsticks

Oh, and Huff now has a feature phone, and is adjusting to that. We all are.

huff with her phone

Now that the recorder performance is over for the year, Huff gets to branch out and try some new recorders: this one is about half her height!

huff with her giant recorder

Counting down to school holidays now.

week 729 / week 601

The week of Huff’s year six camp! We were up early in time for some pre-camp photos.

puff Dad and huff

It’s encouraging how well they get along.

huff and puff

Huff had everything she needed in a giant bag.

huff on her way to camp

She came back tired but happy, filled with stories.

huff after year 6 camp

Saturday Dad and Puff went down to Bundanoon to visit a camp. Puff had heaps of homework to do, so he managed to make up a space for getting some work done.

puff doing homework

Lots of other adventures with cousins, church, and some family time together.

week 728 / week 600

Busy week; Mum had covid, so Dad was doing some extra chores and looking after the kids more than usual.

Plus we had some extra time in the city as Huff had a recorder concert in the city:huff puff and dad in the city

We filled in the time admirably, pausing for some sushi train for dinner

puff at sushi train

The kids were excited to have sushi for dinner (as was Dad).

huff at sushi train

Huff performed really well and enjoyed spending the time with her school friends, but it was a very late night (especially stopping for a late night Naan bread snack on the way home).

huff after recorder performance


puff tired after recorder performance

Even Dad was quite tired during the week, with the puppy continuing to provide us with early morning starts.

Dad tired after a long week

We then had more musical performances from Huff at the school spring fair (despite the rainfall there was a good turnout), and a trip across Sydney so that Dad and Huff could move some plants around for Aunty S and Uncle N.

Then it was Fathers’ Day. With Mum still isolating, we went to church without her, had delicious lunch that Mum ordered and then visited Doc before spending some time watching a movie on the home TV together. 

And lastly, we had ten pin bowling with Puff’s boys group, while Huff put the finishing touches on the packing for her school camp. 

puff plus sugary drink

Now that Mum is out of iso, family life is a bit easier again. It’s great to have her back, and looking a bit healthier again.

week 727 / week 599

We are getting toward the end of primary school. Huff wanted her year 6 book week costume to be Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter. She made her own cork necklace and dirigible plum earrings.

huff in bookweek costume

Huff is continuing to do the early morning care for the puppy, at least after 6am. There’s a lot of unhappiness at that time of morning, but she still really cares about the wellbeing of her puppy.

huff and Dad up early to look after the puppy

And then suddenly it was Puff’s birthday – he is now 14!

family on Puff's birthday

Mum made him a cake to his specifications.

puff's birthday cake

The dog is making himself a part of family life.

huff and Dad watching TV with the puppy

On Saturday we went out for a very late breakfast.

Puff at birthday brunch

Puff was really keen to know more about capsule hotels, having read about them, so we went to have a look at one of the rooms. They had a chipboard-print lift, to reinforce the idea of how affordable it is a place to stay. Puff is too young to stay there, but the kids were impressed at the efficient use of space.

huff and puff in an elevator

Dad managed to surprise Puff on the way home with a lift the rest of the way home.

puff and Dad on the way home

We also helped run a book launch event as a family, each with our own tasks, but there are no photos of us.

week 726 / week 598

A bit late this week; mostly quiet, with some extended family news.

huff checking out a video

We visited a friend’s birthday party on the Saturday night, and on Sunday after church visited a gallery where the cousins (and their parents) have some artworks showing. Puff looked at everything, and then took a breather to check some updates using Mum’s phone.

puff at a gallery

Huff and the cousins had a good time looking through the artworks as well.

huff and cousins at a gallery

And Dad and Huff stopped on the way home to have dinner together.

huff and Dad waiting for Japanese food

Coming up: Puff’s birthday. See you next week!

week 725 / week 597

Another quiet week for photos. Dad still recovering from being unwell, and going away to basecamp at Katoomba.

Church was back in-person again. Huff had only five words to summarise what they learned in class!

huff summarising in five words


After church we found a couple of public-space hammocks in Narwee which were fun to climb on!

puff on a hammock


huff and puff on a hammock

Even Dad tried it out.

dad and huff on a hammock

Puff had a bunch of assignments and his maths trial exams this week, which was a further non-photo event.

week 723-724 and 595-596

A double week this post because Dad unexpectedly caught COVID this past week. Hopefully Dad will be back to entering the world again soon, but in the meantime, Mum has been doing a spectacular job keeping the house running and looking after everyone.

Before isolation, we managed to visit some people; here’s Huff with her cousins enjoying some milkshakes.

huff and cousins

We even managed some time next to a fire pit.

puff, huff, mum and fire

Huff was particularly enjoying light drawing with a few sparklers.

huff and fire

There was also a school open day for parents:

huff and mum

Mum and Huff were in a three-legged race.And we all competed in a couple of maths-themed kahoots (a type of online quiz).

huff and Dad

While the bird continues to grow in personality (even appearing in a photo in the newspaper), we are making more and more time for our new puppy, and he’s learning how to live at our place well. He’s mostly an indoor dog.

huff and Pippin

But occasionally he dreams of the backyard. Puff is also a fan of the puppy, though he is pretty busy studying at the moment.

puff and Pippin

Hopefully we will be back to single weeks again next time.

week 722 / week 594

A reminder this week of the value of balancing work time and family time; lots of later night work at the moment, so trying to make time for the school run where it’s possible. It only took a few minutes but it was amazing for Dad to be able to download the whole day from Huff’s perspective, and be able to give her some focused attention.

dad and huff at a burger shop

Sunday afternoon was hectic, but both kids were keen to go on an adventure with Dad in search of ice cream. As it turned out, the shop we were looking for was closed, but we managed to find this amazing sky, and a few dessert-ish treats nearby.

huff and puff at sunset

Here is Dad with the kids at the water’s edge only 20 minutes or so later. It’s great to see them engaging with the world a little, and get a break from the screens.

huff, puff, and Dad waterside at Rhodes

Oh, and on Tuesday night, Puff had a chance to head back to “swag” and further refine some of his skills.

puff working with paracord

Saturday we had an amazing chance to spend time with one of Dad’s old uni friends and his family. Their daughter started the day pretty concerned about dogs, but after a few hours with our puppy, she was feeling much more confident. 

week 721 / week 593

Dad was busy working this past week, with a work gathering called the “General Assembly of the PCNSW”, which is a multi-day conference, so there wasn’t a lot happening in family life. Our puppy continues to settle in, the bird continues to be a bird, and the kids tried to make the most of the holiday while balancing the requirements of homework and not being able to catch up with friends because they had COVID.

In fact, our main family outing over the weekend was to go out together and get PCR tests after a number of friends reported they had unhappily picked up the popular virus. Here’s Huff, waiting for her PCR test.

huff on the way to a covid test

Dad and Puff were similarly enthusiastic at this opportunity for family bonding.

puff and dad waiting for a covid test

With a negative result, Dad and Huff headed out to Fairfield after church, in search of exotic food. The place we were looking for was closed, but we found enough fun just walking around the suburb looking at unfamiliar sights, and then headed home again.

huff and Dad in fairfield

Hopefully another covid-free week awaits!