week 07

Running late with this week’s update because of a bad throat infection: I’ve been totally written off for a few days, which hasn’t been great timing (is it ever)?

Puff’s seventh week had a lot on. Wednesday afternoon, Kel brought puff in to visit Dad for a coffee:

visiting dad at work

Thursday night, we went to the baby school reunion: only a few couples were back, which was a shame – it would have been good to see how the other couples managed their transition to parenthood! It was good to see those who made it back, and a particular highlight was seeing a group of people who were about to do their own baby-school tour of the delivery suite. You could sense the tension in them: it was a good reminder of how far we’ve come.

baby-school reunion

On Friday, for the last day of the school holidays, Kel went with my mum and sister down to Cronulla for a walk around, and a coffee at Grind. Puff went along in his stroller, slept through most of it, but woke up back at Grind for some hugs.

at grind with aunty sarah

On the weekend, there was homework to do, and Puff decided to help by lying in his rocker and watching the action.

helping dad with his college homework

We’re seeing smiles more and more often. I’m still not entirely convinced that they actually coincide with Puff feeling happy, but it’s very rewarding to watch.

looking happy

On Saturday, we tried for our first family outing to a cafe for breakfast. We chose Cordial cafe in Newtown for its nearby parking, and excellent menu. The staff were pleased to see us (having seen Kel a number of times through the pregnancy), and so we felt like it was a bit of a celebration.

family outing to cordial

They even helped us size him up against the menu.

Puff compared to the menu at cordial

Sunday morning before the Sunday School meeting, I took puff out for a walk in the stroller. In hindsight, it would probably have been better to try and get him back to sleep, but at least I learned that lesson.

sunday morning stroll