week 06

We’ve finally made it to that milestone where a baby is meant to start with more predictable sleeping patterns, and being a bit more interactive. And he’s delivered.

The ever-popular “worried look” continues as a favourite.

worried look

We’re starting to see a regular smile: usually when he’s very tired after a feed, or first thing in the morning after a reasonable night’s sleep.

real smile

At around 6:30 in the morning on the weekend, I took this shot – he looks quite the cherub.

early morning

This week’s firsts:

– first play in the bouncer at his grandparent’s house
bouncing at the grandparents' house
– first time being held by his uncle Andrew

– first visit to the paediatrician outside the hospital

– first deliberate smiles

– first time mum and dad had a date without him (leaving him with the grandragon between feeds)
mum and dad on a date by themselves

– first trip to the airport

– first trip to evening church

the workstation

Though he settles quite well after feeds at night, it’s still only 3 or 4 hours’ gap between feeds, which means that a full sleep through the night is still out of reach.