A week overshadowed by Dad being sick, this meant that mum had a lot more to do – driving Dad and Puff to the doctor, and keeping Dad away from Puff so that Puff didn’t get sick.
And it worked. Somehow, despite living in a house with someone who was sick, Puff is still healthy. We’ve even had one night with a long sleep – nearly seven hours. It was a bit of a trick, though, as most of the time, he’s been back to feeding every three hours.
On the smile front, there are certain times of day when he will smile for a while, but there’s still not really a smile on demand.
There has also been some steps towards making noises other than crying. He’s gone well at making sounds where perhaps he’s trying to communicate something.
In spare moments, instead of just lying around, or randomly stretching, there’s been a tendency for him to stretch out his left hand – I have this photo, and a couple of short videos where he ends up in this pose of his own accord.
We also managed enough presence of mind to take him out of the house dressed up in one of the outfits that we’ve been given – a pair of overalls and matching shirt. This is pretty heroic, given than a bondsuit is a lot more user-friendly (but not quite so cute).
More commonly, he can be seen in these perfectly masculine, but much easier to change, bondsuits.
While we try not to socialise him too much, so that he still sleeps at night, a trip to see friends, and play their Nintendo Wii, was too much to pass up. Here, after watching Dad play on the WiiFit for half an hour, he’s looking at the screen to see what else is happening.
On Sunday, Padstow was on Parade, so we took Puff there for a wander around in the stroller, and then had a leisurely late lunch in an actual restaurant, stroller and all. Dad had to learn quickly how to eat with one hand, as someone didn’t want to be quiet.