week 717 / week 589

It’s music camp week!

Last week, Puff was at swag, helping pack away the flag at the end of the night. It seems like just yesterday that he was learning the ropes.

puff helping fold up a flag

We had lunch with Doc on Sunday, and had more of a quiet day on the Saturday.

Puff hasn’t been looking forward to camp, but he put on a brave face and headed off on the camp.He’ll be back tomorrow afternoon after a two-night camp.

family photo before music camp

Huff has been making the most of his absence; the bus was not long out of its parking spot before Huff joked “favourite child!” to make the most of being an only child for a couple of nights.

huff happy at home

We have finally finished painting the lounge room. Huff set it up as a cinema; tickets, seat numbers, even menus for the snacks. It made for some fun family times watching the new season 3 Bluey episodes together.

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