week 97

With Dad sick with tonsilitis over the weekend (and only just getting over it now), it’s been a more quiet week than usual. Nonetheless, we managed to have people over for dinner on Saturday night (M and baby H, and C&J). It’s hard to push through the fever symptoms, but, as Mum keeps reminding me, being a parent means there are responsibilities, whether it’s easy or difficult to get them done.

Suffice to say that the days of pre-parenting illness were much more about DVD watching and trying to rest. Sometimes, I miss those days.

Saturday, with Dad still feeling okay, we went to the Eveleigh markets to catch up with C,A&L, and ended up seeing a few other familiar faces as well. From there, we went to the fish markets for a picnic lunch.

picnic at the fish markets

It’s hard to tell if Puff liked the yoghurt cup or this set of toys more, but he was pretty happy with each one.

exploring the toy shelves at the fish markets

A trip to the shops with Mum led to Puff sitting happily in one of the Thomas the Tank Engine trucks in an in-store merry-go-round ride. Suddenly, another Mum came along with her kids, and put money in the machine: Puff was pretty excited to see the possibilities of this toy, but we’ve made it pretty clear that it was something that someone else had to make happen.

a kindly stranger added money to this in-store ride

We’ll see how long that works.

He’s putting up less of a fight when it’s time to change his nappy, and when it’s time to do as he’s told, if he’s had enough rest, he tends to be pretty obedient. When he’s tired, though, all bets are off.

At the moment, our discipline approach is to give him a little bit of time to come when he’s called, and then to go over, pick him up, and take him to wherever it was we asked him to go. Seems pretty age appropriate, and yet reinforces that he’ll end up doing what he’s told whether he cooperates or not.

It’s a struggle to know whether we’re making the right decision about discipline, but we just watch how his decision-making is going, and make changes as we go.