week 96

This week Puff has had a couple of very late nights: here he is asleep with the lights on.

oh, so tired

One night last week, he insisted that he read one of his bedtime books, which he then read through a good half-dozen times before Dad could talk him down.

I can read it myself!

A couple of mornings in a row we came in and saw that he’d managed to get some of the way out of his pyjamas. Last week he started taking off his pants (and – despite the cold weather – this continues). This week he has somehow taken his arm out of his pyjama sleeve, then push his arm back through the neck of the sleeve, and twist it back through the sleeve, making something not entirely dissimilar to a tourniquet.

having trouble with his pyjamas

His preferred toys to keep on his table vary: he still does a lot of pencil drawing, but he’ll leave his keyboard on there, playing with it from time to time, and occasionally typing on it – even though it’s not hooked up to anything: we’re still trying to limit how much time he spends looking at various screens. (In the picture he’s wearing a hat that Aunty Chan made for him).

working the keys

He’s more and more interested in numbers: he can read the numbers from 1-10, and he knows the number 20 and the number 100 by sight. He’ even memorised the order of the house numbers on a street near our place – he knows what the next house number will be! When we went to visit someone in hospital, one of his favourite parts of the visit was this map of what was on each floor, doubtless because of the big numbers.

fascinated by numbers

This morning he asked mum if he could try on her scarf, and wear her slippers: he looks pretty happy.

trying on some dress-up clothes