Dad’s exam is over, and there was a long weekend: this meant lots of time with Puff, Dad and Mum all together.
But before that, there was a trip to the park, where a common piece of playground equipment is the giant abacus.
Friday night we all went to the Rocks to watch a family-friendly-time (6:15pm!) light show near the Sydney Harbour Bridge. Puff – suitably rugged up for the evening weather – had a great time.
The high point was when he saw one of the Indian dancers quite near where we were sitting, and started to dance along!
After quite a while sitting on Dad’s lap (like a little hot water bottle) and a surprise visit from a Sydney foreshore photographer asking to take a photo of the three of us), he decided he’d rather sit with Mum.
On the trip back to the train station, Puff explored one of the light-sculpture trees for a while (and a series of blurry photos resulted).
The next day was a friend’s birthday party (she turned 4). Puff walked along with the present, and even handed it over with minimal fuss. He even managed a couple of hits of the pinata with a stick!
A trip to a cafe in Balmain on Sunday presented Puff with a veritable feast of cheese on toast, which he made a significant dent in. He proved his skills as a great eater yet again – spotting something on Mum’s plate, he said “Grape?”. Mum said “That’s not a grape, it’s an olive”. He said “Olive?”. Then he ate the olive, and asked for “more olives?”
Our favourite physical development this week has been Puff getting back into going on slides – even when they’re incredibly tall, he works out how to climb up, and makes it work.
Another odd thing that Mum mentioned today – Puff suddenly started praying! We pray with him every night, with mostly the same format, and today he started rattling off the names of people, and praying for them!