week 94

Dad’s exam is over, and there was a long weekend: this meant lots of time with Puff, Dad and Mum all together.

But before that, there was a trip to the park, where a common piece of playground equipment is the giant abacus.


Friday night we all went to the Rocks to watch a family-friendly-time (6:15pm!) light show near the Sydney Harbour Bridge. Puff – suitably rugged up for the evening weather – had a great time.

watching the fire and water show

The high point was when he saw one of the Indian dancers quite near where we were sitting, and started to dance along!

dancing at fire and water

After quite a while sitting on Dad’s lap (like a little hot water bottle) and a surprise visit from a Sydney foreshore photographer asking to take a photo of the three of us), he decided he’d rather sit with Mum.

all rugged up with mum

On the trip back to the train station, Puff explored one of the light-sculpture trees for a while (and a series of blurry photos resulted).

white light tree

The next day was a friend’s birthday party (she turned 4). Puff walked along with the present, and even handed it over with minimal fuss. He even managed a couple of hits of the pinata with a stick!

walking to a birthday party

A trip to a cafe in Balmain on Sunday presented Puff with a veritable feast of cheese on toast, which he made a significant dent in. He proved his skills as a great eater yet again – spotting something on Mum’s plate, he said “Grape?”. Mum said “That’s not a grape, it’s an olive”. He said “Olive?”. Then he ate the olive, and asked for “more olives?”

cheesie toast feast!

Our favourite physical development this week has been Puff getting back into going on slides – even when they’re incredibly tall, he works out how to climb up, and makes it work.

not afraid of the slide anymore

Another odd thing that Mum mentioned today – Puff suddenly started praying! We pray with him every night, with mostly the same format, and today he started rattling off the names of people, and praying for them!