Puff is in bed for the night, and so it’s time to write another puff update. During dinner, we were talking about the days of the week, and he started quoting the Very Hungry Caterpillar, in extreme detail. Not quite word-perfect, but it was exciting and disturbing all at once.
Should I be putting more energy into teaching him other skills that aren’t literary? It’s great that he’s so advanced in remembering books, but there’s lots of other life skills that he’ll need to pick up.
Last weekend we went to Cronulla for breakfast with some friends, and then for a bit of a walk around, to go and play in the park. It had been raining a bit, and so a lot of the play equipment was wet, but he still had a great time. He remains worried about slides, but he’s trying to climb higher and more challenging pieces of equipment.
Later that day Dad took his Mum out for high tea. In the meantime, Mum and Puff went out for pancakes. A quick look at the menu, and Puff chose the pancakes with strawberries (even when the option of chocolate strawberries was available). Here he is with the resulting order.
He had some help, but here’s the end-game (in fact, he ate mostly berries). He also had a banana smoothie (his new favourite beverage when it’s on offer), and he’s been asking for one every day this week.
Sunday involved a trip to a couple of markets (a big contrast to last weekend’s stay-in-and-write-sermon). First, to South Sydney markets – here’s a snapshot of his latest grin.
The high-point of South Sydney markets was going to pat the baby farm animals (free!). Puff was pretty anxious about the animals at first, but with a bit of guidance from Dad managed to have some fun.
From there we went to Marrickville markets: it was like a trip to Bellingen markets with its quiet corners, live music and incense burners. Puff was enjoying looking around, but was most taken by the bouncing castle.
After making sure he wasn’t too tired by wandering around the markets, and running around in the nearby park, he had a play on the bouncing castle. He still hadn’t figured out how to jump, but he was having a great time trying to crawl and bounce around on it.
From there, we went to a cafe in Newtown where a fairly tired Puff nonetheless had a good time: trying out the cafe, and playing at the table by counting sugars as he took them in and out of the on-table cup.