week 91

The theme of the week has been trips to cafes and babycinos. Puff had his first marshmallow ever: we weren’t quick enough to capture it with a camera – he took a hesitant nibble for a second, but as soon as he’d tasted it, he pushed the whole thing into his mouth, and there was no looking back from there.

Since then, he’s had a few more babycinos, and he seems to be enjoying the whole experience, even if he hasn’t mastered consuming them in a gentlemanly fashion just yet.


Mum went to a play centre for mothers’ group last week, and so he had his first experience in a ball pit, or bubble pit as he kept calling it – he loved it, but found the whole experience to be quite tiring, and had some substantial sleep afterwards.

happy in the bubble pit

Elsewhere during the week, having skipped his regular naps, he made it as far as helping mum with some shopping before some long blinks, and then he fell asleep in the shopping trolley.

tired of shopping

The non-food high point for him this week was the kids drum kit that Uncle J sourced for him. He’s already referring to it as “his” drumkit, along with “his” car, and “his” everything else that comes along: he makes a lot of noise with it, but has already been taught by Uncle J how to play in 4/4 time, or at least how to count to 4 fairly steadily while hitting the drum or cymbal.

loving the new drum kit

Here’s a clip of some of his early work:

The weekend was spent largely in sermon preparation (though we managed a trip to a friend’s birthday party, which was a lot of fun). He became so used to seeing dad sitting at a desk that he wanted to have a go at it for himself, and so his toys have been re-arranged yet again so that he can get his own desk work done.

working at his desk

Amazing to see how quickly he’ll imitate something he sees me doing – makes me ever more vigilant to be trying to do only things that I’d like to see him emulate.

He’s becoming more interested in videos that he can make with Photo Booth on the mac, and recognises himself on camera, and can even move around to experiment with how his different actions will change what’s on screen. He hasn’t mastered it yet, but it’s great to watch him grin as he tries to figure things out.

He can also recite his alphabet, and the months of the year, count backwards from ten, quote several books in their entirety, without needing the book as a prop, and I’ve started trying to move him from saying “want [[noun]]” to saying “may I have [[noun]]” – I think it will be easier to listen to when it’s repeated any number of times, but we’ll see.

We’re trying to get him used to eating with a fork or spoon (depending on the meal) with mixed success – he’s not having a perfect strike rate with keeping the spoon level, and so the learning process is quite messy.