week 90

We’re getting towards a point of counting down to Puff’s second birthday, and wondering where the time went. This week, Mum and Aunty C and Uncle J were helping out with a baby shower, so Dad spent some time looking after Puff. Sadly, it took so long to get through breakfast that he slept most of the drive, and so we ended up in a small, suburban park.

Here he is with the slide: he’s going through a phase of not trusting his ability on the slide, but with a bit of encouragement he’s generally okay.

not quite trusting the slide

After the baby shower was over, we went to a farewell party that one of Dad’s workmates was holding at Darling Harbour, and then went for a train ride around Darling Harbour: Puff liked it, but it perhaps went on too long for him.

on a train!

As a reward, we gave him his first taste of some ice cream, but didn’t tell him what it was called – so he can’t ask for it until he’s older.

first ice cream

Sunday saw us make a trip to Cronulla to catch up with baby M and his parents. Here he is holding onto a free balloon. Sadly, this one didn’t last long: he threw it around enough that the string came off his hand, and the balloon flew away.

short-lived balloon

While we were waiting for everyone to stop talking, Puff and Dad went over to a nearby stage where a free band was playing. He looked interested in what was going on on-stage, but the best part was when the music stopped. He noticed that they’d stopped, then you could see him thinking for a fraction of a second, and then he started clapping. He enjoyed clapping so much – more than watching the band, I think – it was great to share that with him.

first live band

Puff has actually been playing the drums at church (after the church service is finished) for a couple of weeks now, but he’s now getting better at it, and more focussed on it – it’s harder to distract him and encourage him to try something else.

playing the drums at church

The biggest challenge this week has been consistent, loving discipline when he doesn’t want to do something. Most often this week it’s been problems getting him to eat. I know the parenting books suggest this is normal, but it doesn’t make it any more bearable. Still, even when there has been a long period of time dealing with his moods, he goes back to being the kid that we’re used to, which makes it all worthwhile.