This week’s high point was obviously mother’s day, but there were a few other things of interest (not least of which having two separate nights out, thanks to the long-suffering C&J for babysitting).
Mum and Dad went to watch a movie last Tuesday night, and on Saturday night went out to see a comedian (Ross Noble) who – among other things – compared children to tiny suicidal monkeys, always looking for the most dangerous possible place to stand. There is some truth in this.
As we’ve seen in past weeks, one of Puff’s favourite things to do at the moment is to stalk C&J’s cat. He often asks to see “Bentley Cat”, and when he gets the chance to visit, will chase him around for a long while, chanting “meow”, “meow”. As his co-ordination improves, these sessions get more and more elaborate, but so far there have been no major injuries to either of them.
Saturday saw us make a longish car trip to visit some of Dad’s old friends. Puff was determined to be anti-social when he saw how many toys that he’d never seen before were on offer. He played with one in particular that read out the alphabet (including the letter “zed” rather than “zee”) so many times that later that day, he sang the entire alphabet song, a feat he’s repeated a number of times since.
He’s also trying to learn Disobedience by A. A. Milne, and on occasion will give up on one and start the other.
Mother’s day was a good time for Dad to look after Mum a bit. While Mum enjoyed a long overdue sleep-in, Puff and Dad headed out for a walk, some breakfast, and a play in the park.
When walking on the footpath, we insist Puff holds onto one or both parents’ hand. This is fine for a while, but then Puff grows bored, and insists on being picked up. He does this by walking into the path of an adult, so they can’t go any further. Dad has now perfected a deft move where he spins around, keeping Puff walking in a circle and ending up where he was. Puff, defeated by this for the moment, will then continue walking with only some mild whinging.
Breakfast was a bit of a struggle. Despite being a serve of ever-popular “Bana Bread” (sometimes called by its proper name, sometimes not), Puff didn’t really want to be eating it, and only had about a third, though he did drink the entire babycino (or warm milk in a cup, as Dad pitched it to him).
With breakfast over, we walked to the park, again with some level of unhappiness on the part of the smaller member of the party. Once we arrived at the park, though, his mood picked up, and he was happy to explore the various options.
From there we went home, and drove to Glebe where we had a Mother’s Day Brunch at Elizabeth’s cafe – Mum, Dad and Puff all had a great time, though we left before much of the opera singer’s performance for the sake of keeping the peace.
From there we went to another park, where Puff played on still more play equipment, including this boat. He needed help to get into it (“needa help”), but was really happy once in there.
Mum’s other present for mother’s day was a pair of slippers. Puff occasionally lets mum wear them, but is enjoying them as his own extra-large footwear most of the time.