week 84

What a week! An Easter long weekend meant that Dad had more time than usual with Puff. The end of daylight savings for the year meant that Puff had some slightly upset sleep, but nothing too difficult.

One toy that has become popular with Puff this week is his bucket (and matching sand rake). He soon worked out that the bucket can make an equally good hat, and – despite the physical challenge involved – spent at least one playtime putting on and removing the bucket hat.

new invention: bucket hat.

While we were watching him play with the bucket, we were cooking lamb: here he is with his first solo lamb cutlet (after some brief convincing, he was thrilled to eat it).

lamb cutlet

He’s increasingly aware of the camera, and now regularly wants to make a grab for the camera, rather than cheerfully pose.

trying to grab the camera

Though we didn’t give him any chocolate for Easter, he was given some new toy eggs to play with: they’re a favourite toy at the moment.

happy easter

No photo of his first “real” pair of shoes yet (though it was an adventure taking him to the store – he was happy to have his feet measured, but was a little upset to have to have the shoes put on his feet), but he’s now curious about shoes in general. Here he is trying on Dad’s shoes.

trying out dad's shoes

A trip out on Easter Monday to Cronulla was followed up by an epic visit to a playground: he did any number of laps of one slide in particular before moving on to a wider exploration of all the play equipment. When he started to get too tired, he went for a walk with C&J: a great way to calm down his mood before the unwelcome trip back to the car.

walking with c&j

His vocabulary continues to amaze us: he can quote large segments of books that we’ve read to him, and use long words (this weekend he asked for avocado and bocconcini toast). We’re seeing a stronger and stronger temper: when he doesn’t want to do something, then he makes his feelings known.