week 800-807 / week 672-679

It’s been a long while since the last post. We’ve finished the school holidays, Huff has started year eight, Puff has started year eleven, and we’ve celebrated Huff’s 13th birthday as a family (the celebration with friends is yet to happen).

A few photos as we look back: Dad and Puff were at a conference back at Stanwell Tops, with Puff helping again on the AV desk.

Dad and Puff at G8.

It was a long few days, and here we are heading home again, pretty tired.

Dad and Puff on the way home from G8.

We went down to Wollongong to catch up with some family (not pictured) for lunch; here’s Huff at the catch-up venue.

Huff at family catch-up.

Dad and Puff and Huff went to watch Wonka at the movies as Huff’s last hurrah before getting braces – it seemed an appropriate film to watch for such an occasion.

Puff at the movies.

Here’s Huff on the way to have the braces put on.

Huff pre-braces.

And here’s the after photo:

Huff post-braces.

Huff wanted to spend some deliberate time reflecting on the end of being a 12 year old and starting to be a 13 year old.

Huff walking at 12.

One of her birthday presents was this bear, who we’ve named Jacque De Gaineau.

Huff and Jacques De Gatineau.

This was our family breakfast for Huff’s actual birthday.

Family photo for Huff's 13th.

Huff decorated the cake herself, which was an impressive effort.

Oh, and Puff had the chance to go to a school-day workshop, so Dad went with him on the train to Central.

Dad and Puff at Central station.

And that brings us back up to date, with some obvious gaps.

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