week 77

Stairs. The theme of the week has been stairs. During a visit to Grandma and Doc’s, Puff crept off to climb the stairs. On a trip to the college BBQ, Puff made it up and down the two flights of stairs at least half a dozen times before moving on to something else.

stairs - the absolute favourite

Puff can mostly be trusted on stairs, as we have drilled into him that he has to go feet first when climbing down. He stays with this until he gets tired, where he starts to look around too much and stops being safe.

We continue to see him playing imagination games, and his favourite is indeed the “compost”. His recall is getting better – he can tell you what he was doing hours earlier in the day, and is starting to put together groups of people that we commonly talk about. When we talk about one family, if he has visited while the dad of the family is at work, he will ask for the dad, as if the set isn’t properly made up until everyone is there.

tip it!

Again at the PTC BBQ, there was a chance to explore some new toys: here he is trying to drive a toy car around, but it’s a struggle: he’s not sure which way he is meant to sit, but it didn’t stop him from driving around with it!

not quite sure how to drive yet

We’re seeing him become more ticklish, and respond to some situations and sayings with a real sense of joy.

a happy boy

Here he is at his uncle’s birthday party at a Korean BBQ restaurant. He mostly ate food that we’d brought for him, but tried a surprising array of unfamiliar food too!

grinning at birthday dinner

One long-awaited highlight remains for the week: Puff took his first steps! An unusually strong sense of pride at being his dad rushed through me when I saw he’d figured this out.