Lots happening this past fortnight. Huff had her first high school camp – year 7; she had been unwell the week before, but seemed to have healed up okay. She made it most of the way through the camp, but is having some challenges breathing from time to time, so we needed to pull the pin a bit early.
The next weekend we were travelling down to Canberra to see a friend for her 50th birthday, so we left Pippin with one family, and Pineapple with Doc.
We stayed in a place with a really long corridor.
After the party, we visited a friend’s church. Their son adopted Huff as his big sister.
We also visited the Canberra version of a Harry Potter store. Huff tried on this hat.
And also this hat.
They had a flying car that you could climb in and drive.
Puff, meanwhile, had lots of homework to get through.
It was great to catch up with different people, and yet, it’s also good to be home again.