This week has been overshadowed with Schools Spectacular, but also had an event at NSW Parliament House.
With Huff starting rehearsals super early, Dad took Puff to swimming lessons. It was pretty quiet given there was also an international sporting game on TV that morning, but Puff battled on and is improving in technique.

Mum was watching a Friday night and a Saturday afternoon performance of School Spec, the former while Dad and Puff were at Thanksgiving dinner, and the latter while Dad and Puff went to a morning tea for a friend who has recently finished a ministry apprenticeship to hear what she would be doing next.

Meanwhile at School Spec, Huff was being given a gift of pie to keep her energy levels up during the final performance.

Dad and Puff finally made it over to the stadium.

Huff’s favourite installation near schools spectacular was the reptile display – that’s where she wanted a family photo to be taken, so we obliged.

Dad and Puff enjoyed watching the spectacle.

And one last thing for this week, Huff had her orientation day for next year’s high school.