week 730 / week 602

We are nearly at the end of another school term. The passage of time continues swiftly on. Pippin is a key part of family life; Huff took him for his first walk; he seemed to enjoy it. It was good to be a proud Dad watching her look after a little life and give him careful instruction.

huff walking Pippin

On Sunday Huff was in an end-of-term play for Sunday School. The costume was impressive.

huff ready for the Sunday School play

We had some family time after church having lunch together. Puff’s hair is growing out a bit: this may be the longest it’s ever been!

puff at ramen

His prowess with chopsticks is increasing too.

puff with chopsticks

Oh, and Huff now has a feature phone, and is adjusting to that. We all are.

huff with her phone

Now that the recorder performance is over for the year, Huff gets to branch out and try some new recorders: this one is about half her height!

huff with her giant recorder

Counting down to school holidays now.

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