Busy week; Mum had covid, so Dad was doing some extra chores and looking after the kids more than usual.
Plus we had some extra time in the city as Huff had a recorder concert in the city:
We filled in the time admirably, pausing for some sushi train for dinner
The kids were excited to have sushi for dinner (as was Dad).
Huff performed really well and enjoyed spending the time with her school friends, but it was a very late night (especially stopping for a late night Naan bread snack on the way home).
Even Dad was quite tired during the week, with the puppy continuing to provide us with early morning starts.
We then had more musical performances from Huff at the school spring fair (despite the rainfall there was a good turnout), and a trip across Sydney so that Dad and Huff could move some plants around for Aunty S and Uncle N.
Then it was Fathers’ Day. With Mum still isolating, we went to church without her, had delicious lunch that Mum ordered and then visited Doc before spending some time watching a movie on the home TV together.
And lastly, we had ten pin bowling with Puff’s boys group, while Huff put the finishing touches on the packing for her school camp.
Now that Mum is out of iso, family life is a bit easier again. It’s great to have her back, and looking a bit healthier again.