week 727 / week 599

We are getting toward the end of primary school. Huff wanted her year 6 book week costume to be Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter. She made her own cork necklace and dirigible plum earrings.

huff in bookweek costume

Huff is continuing to do the early morning care for the puppy, at least after 6am. There’s a lot of unhappiness at that time of morning, but she still really cares about the wellbeing of her puppy.

huff and Dad up early to look after the puppy

And then suddenly it was Puff’s birthday – he is now 14!

family on Puff's birthday

Mum made him a cake to his specifications.

puff's birthday cake

The dog is making himself a part of family life.

huff and Dad watching TV with the puppy

On Saturday we went out for a very late breakfast.

Puff at birthday brunch

Puff was really keen to know more about capsule hotels, having read about them, so we went to have a look at one of the rooms. They had a chipboard-print lift, to reinforce the idea of how affordable it is a place to stay. Puff is too young to stay there, but the kids were impressed at the efficient use of space.

huff and puff in an elevator

Dad managed to surprise Puff on the way home with a lift the rest of the way home.

puff and Dad on the way home

We also helped run a book launch event as a family, each with our own tasks, but there are no photos of us.

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