Another big week; it was Dad’s birthday and graduation this week, so more photos of Dad than usual.
After swimming, we went to a cafe for breakfast; it was a beautiful day, and we had a tasty meal.
The kids enjoyed their food too; Huff was excited to share a box she had made and decorated for Dad (which he used to store the Minties Puff gave him).
It was a happy morning.
Dad, determined to get a morning walk in, took the kids for a brisk, somewhat hilly 2.5km walk.
Huff received her year 6 jersey this week; perhaps we’ll put up a photo at some point when her school name is less relevant.
Then on Friday we had Dad’s graduation. Huff wore a brooch from her cousin’s wedding.
There was lots of smiling (Puff is still adjusting to regular smiling with his complex tooth-braces situation going on).
Masks were on and it was time to head in for the ceremony. The kids were impressed with the chairs in the auditorium as they have built-in mini-desks!
After the ceremony it was time for some more photos in front of the giant logo.
Is this the first photo on the blog of just Mum and Dad?
After graduation we drove down to Canberra.
Puff had lots of school work to keep on with, while Huff had a great time watching the sunset.
We stayed with a friend overnight, and had a great time catching up with them – our first trip to the ACT post-lockdown.
We stopped briefly on the way home for fancy coffee at a place called the Cupping Room.
On Sunday Dad was teaching Sunday School at church with Huff’s as a part of the class.