Another week has cruised by. We are getting closer to the selective schools test for Huff; Puff has a couple of exams this week too, so there has been more study than usual. The kids are getting older and taller and more confident in themselves.
Saturday ended up being mostly a home day. Sunday Dad and the kids took a train ride to meet up with Mum, and did some studying on the train. Puff was doing maths.
Huff was doing some revision with Dad, and taking breaks to look out the train window and take some pictures.
The kids were reminiscing about things they had seen before; Huff was very excited to see something that years before we had called the “cloud factory” in the distance, and stopped to take a photo of it.
We saw some family members for a bit, but mostly this week has been a time for listening to the kids and trying to help them learn, and trust their instincts in studying and answering questions.
in the drives to school Puff has also been sharing some of his musical tastes with Dad; lots of electronic music.