week 703 / week 575

Bird ownership is an increasingly prominent part of family life, with pineapple coming into his own; this is his bedraggled post-spray-bath look, with Puff on hand to give him some millet as a treat. It’s been great to have a new creature in the house, as sceptical as Dad was (and as disruptive as the bird can be to the relative tranquility of a zoom soundscape).

Puff continues to count down to a Duke of Ed hike, to press on with maths and other assessment tasks, and to dream up increasingly complex computer games, that he’s starting to code.

puff and pineapple (bird)

Huff on the other hand spent most of the week feeling sick. A trip to the doctor (and a few negative RAT results and a negative PCR result) showed it’s just been bronchitis. She is finally starting to bounce again, but had a very quiet week trying to get well. Mum made some chocolate mousse for her to cheer her up, which seemed to work quite effectively.

huff enjoying some chocolate mousse

For her, the global pandemic disruption has been a larger proportion of her whole life, so it’s been a bigger adjustment for her to deal with being sick.

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