week 700 / week 572

Huff had a further opportunity to celebrate her birthday with other family members who have a February birthday.

She practiced her covid-safe candle extinguishing skills.

huff with feb birthday cake

Here she is with Aunty C.

huff and aunty C

And here are a bunch of family members waiting for Huff to learn how to ride a bike. She is excited to learn how to ride, and wants to reach competence in under 7 hours of practice. The weather has been against her the rest of the week!

huff learning the bike - 1

Uncle J was helping her as well.

huff learning the bike - 2

Glad to be around to watch her keep trying and learning.

Elsewhere on the weekend, Dad and Puff walked over the Como bridge and back for a pre-church walk (it took Puff some effort to work out which bridge it was, due to a conspicuous lack of signage on the Oatley side.

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