week 692-693 / week 564-565

With Summer Camp in the middle, we have two weeks to talk about! Christmas was a time with family; we had people over, we visited people, all with the shadow of COVID hanging overhead.

The kids enjoyed seeing one of their great uncles they hadn’t seen in a while:

huff and uncle S

puff and uncle S

Knowing Puff wasn’t sure about going to camp, Dad took him out for a walk the morning before, to see the familiar sights.

puff walking with Dad

Then on camp, we didn’t see much of Puff as he was staying with his fellow campers. Overall he had a great time with some teething problems. Huff, on the other hand, was living her best life.

huff with ice cream AND fairy floss

We managed a family photo at the end of the week.

family photo at camp

Huff had a job on camp to run the snack shop, and returned the cans and bottles to recycling so she could raise more money for camp.

huff returning cans

Then we had a couple of recovery days at home, followed by the chance to spend time with friends on their boat! Huff even had a bit of a chance to steer the boat.

huff steering the boat

Puff had a slightly longer chance to steer the boat.

puff steering the boat

And we managed a family photo. Very grateful for the opportunity. It was even a pleasant workspace for Dad for a while, as he had some pressing work to do.

family photo on a friend's boat

Then we went back to our friends’ house for a swim, and Dad even managed to get into the water.

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