Another week of lockdown to document. The kids are getting into baking.
Dad and Huff went for a walk to deliver some of the baking to a friend’s house… I think that’s okay if we just drop it at the front door and don’t interact at all? Something like a delivery driver?
Puff had a couple of tries at making apple and cinnamon muffins, which were delicious. Dad helped him think through the process and improve his batter technique.
And Huff made meringues, and took photos of them.
They were pretty spectacular actually.
The finished meringues assembled.
Mum and Huff played some totem tennis in the backyard.
And that was about it. Another uni “residential” is over with: one more to go. Lots of zoom meetings, for everyone. We’re grateful for phonecalls and video calls for their contact with people from the real world, but the kids are still buzzing along okay, still getting their work done, and in good spirits for the most part.
Access to a library would be nice. Hopefully soon.