week 67

This week was packed with adventures: a trip to Adriano Zumbo’s cafe, a trip to the city with (church) mothers’ group, and his first flights – to and from Brisbane in Queensland. Where to start?

It seems that all the excitement of travelling into the city on a train was too tiring – by the time he finally reached the window displays at David Jones, he was fast asleep!

asleep - missed the Christmas lights

The sleep didn’t last all that long, though; before long, he was playing in the park, even taking the time to pose with some other babies.

with friends: J, J, E, C and Puff.

After the picnic, Mum, Dad and Puff headed to Kinokuniya for some Christmas shopping. Puff had real trouble keeping his composure here – there were many cries of “book! book!” and before long, we sat down to test out some books on him.

reading at kinokuniya

Later that evening, we started to put the Christmas tree together, and Puff had the chance to have a look at some of the lights up close.

christmas tree lights

Most of Saturday morning was spent preparing to head over to the airport: everything went smoothly with the packing, and by the time we sat down on the plane, we were ready for whatever may happen. Ultimately, though, there was nothing to be anxious about.

first flight (sky in background)

Sure, it was a struggle for him to sit still for the duration of the flight, but by mixing up book reading, and playing peek-a-boo with toys, and eating, the time passed pretty quickly. It was a bit of a shock to the system for Dad, who is used to in-flight entertainment that’s pitched a little older than picture books! Apart from a brief moment where he grabbed one of his ears, he seemed to cope well with the change in air pressure.

on his first flight

With the birthday party over, Puff set to practicing his walking: by pushing a chair around, he was able to extend the reach of his normal “cruising” around, but without the hassle of needing to take an adult’s hands:

walking around by pushing the chair

Another bonus with the trip was getting to see M&T and their newborn little girl. Puff’s highlight (apart from enjoying a swim in their pool) was meeting Cookies and Custard who moved too quickly to be photographed together with Puff.

meeting cookies (the dog)

There were a few occasions where Puff caught up with his grandmother (the grandragon), but we’re trying to keep the number of swimming photos to a minimum.

The last visit before heading back to the airport was to see Puff’s great-grandmother – here they both are with Bandit (quite a few puppies this trip!)

puff with his great-grandmother

Other notable events this week:
* Dad having a bath with Puff
* Catching up with a lot of relatives from Queensland for the first time since January
* Help looking after Puff from C&J
* Waiting in a baby store for an hour until the NRMA arrived to replace the car battery
* Re-visiting church in the Gold Coast and again being made to feel welcome
* Adjusting to non-daylight-savings time and the very early daylight that goes with it
* Spending time with Grandma, Grandpa, and A,J and S