week 654 / week 526

We keep noticing that Huff is getting bigger, but this week it was time to do something about it as far as pyjamas were concerned. With Harry Potter still being the order of the day for her, the HP pyjamas were an easy choice, once Mum altered them to fit correctly.

huff with new pyjamas

Saturday was a day spent with Dad, who had to work for much of the day, so the kids were entertaining themselves, playing on screens, drawing, and listening to audiobooks.

huff and puff on screens while Dad works - indoors

In the afternoon, they did the same thing, but outside. Can you spot Huff?

huff and puff on screens while Dad works - outdoors

After the workday was over, we went out to near the bay run for a bit of a walk together as a trio, then headed to Leichhardt for gelato, and then to a friend’s house for dinner. A big day all-in-all.

Monday morning Huff was up early, so went with Dad on his morning walk, which was a lot of fun for both; always good to explore how Huff sees the world.

huff on a walk with Dad

And Puff had a big week as well. This was the last photo Dad took of him pre-braces!

puff pre-braces

And this was one of the first photos of him with braces. He will be in a much better way once they’re all over with, which is – of course – the point.

puff post-braces

Lots of soft food in the mix for a little while, but he’s done very well so far bearing up with the challenges. Even the dentist was very impressed. 

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