week 63

A week of lots of outings, some with photos and some without. I’ve been trying to break out my “good” camera: see if you can tell which photos are with which camera.

Here’s a shot of Puff enjoying(?) a trip home in the car. It seems that travelling in the car is one of the major staples of his life, but we do catch him enjoying it quite regularly: he will talk to himself, or answer questions, and he’s even started singing along to certain songs on his Colin CDs, which is very impressive.

car travel

Apart from the grimace face that was his favourite expression a few weeks back, he can make a quite impressive “fish face” when he chooses to.

pulling faces

Friday was Macaron day at Adriano Zumbo in Balmain, and so Kel headed over there with Puff to pick up some Macarons. Imagine her surprise to find the man himself there – one of the staff took this shot of Puff: perhaps he should have his own food blog?

meeting adriano zumbo

After Zumbo’s, Puff headed to the Brasserie Bread tweetup in the park, and met up with a few familiar faces, including K, who was in the throes of her last day at work. Friday was a big day indeed: being Grandma’s birthday, we went over to Grandma and Grandpa’s house and saw almost all of Dad’s side of the family at once. After a very late night, it was home again to bed.

By some miracle, we didn’t have any plans on the Saturday, so after Puff had caught up on some sleep, we headed out of the house in search of somewhere to have lunch, ending up at Bondi Junction. Here is Puff, pondering life’s mysteries.

deep in thought

Saturday was the seventh of November, and so was deemed 7-11 day by the franchise of Slurpee stores. While not going to the same extremes as his aunt and uncle, Puff certainly had a fondness for the cups: he was quite upset when the time came to put them down and go back in the car.

free slurpee day

We also made a trip to the REMO store in Bondi Junction – it now has a small retail space where you can browse the products. Puff’s favourite (though he was saying “please” for a number of them) was the giant rubber ducks. It was tricky for him to look into the box, as he wasn’t a fan of the fake-grass carpet: I think it was tickling his feet too much.

at remo stores

From there, we drove down to Coogee – Puff had a great time at a playground designed for people his size and a little larger. Many of the parents seemed content to let their kids run around with pretty minor supervision: given that Puff isn’t walking yet, this wasn’t really practical, though he had a pretty good go at crawling towards anything he found interesting!

playground in coogee

Tuesday was Mum and Dad’s wedding anniversary, and so Puff came along for lunch in the city, and was tremendously well behaved. It’s not quite the same as having lunch by ourselves, but was still a good way to commemorate eight years of marriage.

lunching at encasa