There’s been a lot of outings this last week, with Puff doing some socialising outside the house. It’s looking like he’s getting to be more comfortable sitting on grass, although he is certainly happier when on a picnic blanket.
This week also marked our annual trip to see sculpture by the sea – you might remember what he looked like last year – it’s the same carrier, but he looks very different:
While last year a sun hat was enough – he had no real interest in looking around at the world – this year he’s onto his second set of sunglasses (he’s outgrown the old pair) and a bigger hat.
Here he is taking a break from sculpture viewing to have a bit of a snack.
The sculpture that he liked the most was a house that had hundreds of toys screwed onto it. It was a favourite for a lot of kids – so much so that it was hard to get close to it. We managed eventually, though – he wasn’t too happy when it was time to move away again!
It’s encouraging to see that we can put him down, and stand far enough back to get a photo of him without him being upset: after an hour in the ergocarrier, I think he was happy to have his own space for a little while! Hard to imagine that next year he’ll likely be walking the track himself!
Sunday was marked by Puff’s second tweet-up, spending a relaxed afternoon at Perama in Petersham. Mum and Dad ate dishes that contained haloumi, and Puff largely abstained, though he did try a little bit of the lamb.
Still no sign of walking, but he’s more and more comfortable standing up on things, and pushing his block-trolley along.