week 61

Not much this week in the way of photos, so there’s a video of him answering some questions to make up for it. There was a trip back to the cafe where we had brunch for Mum’s birthday, another journey beside the sea for lunch with J, and a lot of time spent at home over the weekend.

Sleeping continues on in good stead: long naps, and long overnight sleeps. He’s still happy to stay inside the cot for now, having not threatened to climb out yet. This week has seen him take a few hands-free walks along with his trolley of blocks (with Mum or Dad close by in case he doesn’t work out how to stop)!

Food-wise, we tried him with corn on the cob. With a couple of new teeth on the way through, I think his favourite part was having something to press against his gums: he wasn’t happy at all when I took it away from him, even when it was just to spin it around so he could eat some actual corn.

corn on the cob

This isn’t an entire catalogue of the words he knows, but it’s not a bad start.

Lastly, there are a few toys that we keep out of reach in his room. When he sees them, he calls out for them: the dragon (“raar”) and the cat (“miii…o”). If there are more toys, he keeps on adding words for the other ones, but we haven’t worked out what those words mean.