week 59

This has been a week of teaching Puff how to improve his sleeping skills.

Due to illness of other babies, Mums’ group was canceled last Tuesday and so Mum stayed home and tidied the house. With the house so tidy, Mum and Dad went on a date night, watching our first movie at the cinema since Puff was born! We managed to get him off to sleep before heading off to watch the movie – a really pleasant night out. Thanks (again) to our babysitters for making it possible.

Thursday saw a trip into the city where Mum caught up with K over some yum cha.

first yum cha in the city

It was at this point that Puff learned his latest trick (we still have no photos of this) – standing up in the cot. Sadly, he hadn’t worked out how to sit back down again, so we’ve seen a few days of him waking up, standing up in the cot, and then crying because there was nowhere for him to go.

standing up at the kid's table

Normally, in these situations, he would just go back to sleep, so we’ve had many times this week of going into his room and re-settling him.

standing on tip-toe

The good news is that he seems to have worked out how to sit back down again (yesterday), so he should have a better chance at re-settling himself.

In playing, he is still enjoying the blocks, and a new toy – an alphabet playmat. Here he is taking it apart.

hands-on with the alphabet

With his eating, we’ve been a bit dismayed in the way that he would take ever larger pieces of food, and try and fit them into his mouth. The way to fix this has been a bit counter-intuitive: by giving him even bigger pieces of food he has no choice but to take bites. Here he is trying his hand at eating an apple.

learning how to take bites

On Friday, Puff went to his church mother’s group, and on Saturday we had B over for lunch, and then went to our first book launch for D’s new book.

Sunday was a long-awaited trip to Katoomba with C&J. Here he is being carried around.

trip to katoomba

As he gets more mobile, we find he is rediscovering old toys, and changing his favourites on a regular basis. Here he is with the current favourites.

the current favourite toys

He is getting quite crafty at exploring his environment: having seen us open and close the sliding door in the dining room any number of times, he has started to try for himself.

learning how to open a sliding door

Lastly, today marked his first bath in the real bathtub: we’ve put the baby bath to rest at last. Once we work out how to take a photo of him in the bathtub that would be suitable for the blog, you’ll see one.