It seems that most of our pictures are taken when he’s sitting in his eating chair: I’ll work harder to correct this for future weeks!
In an effort to get him to drink more water, we’ve been trying a series of different cups – some kids cups, sometimes the grown-up cups that we’re used to. This week we tried a metal espresso cup. As it turns out, it’s exactly the right size for him.
With Aunty Chan and Uncle Jordan away this weekend, we had to find another aunt and uncle to spend time with Puff at Grind. Here he is, after everyone has had a go at feeding him (including Dad), just taking in the ambience.
When visiting A&M and baby M, Puff decided to explore the room, with his Dad following him around. This particular toy was so interesting that he climbed up on it several times to play with its many distractions!
The main highlight for me for Father’s day was a card from Puff and Puff’s mum, giving me some ideas about what I’ve been doing right this past year-and-a-bit. A close second was – when Puff decided that getting up at 6:20 on Father’s day was a good idea – Puff re-settling after only brief encouragement from his Dad.
With his increasing determination to take control over who is feeding him, we’ve changed our evening routine: for the past two nights, we’ve been eating dinner together with him – when he sees us eating, he feels more confident about putting the food into his mouth – especially when it’s new food.
We’ve decided as of tonight that he won’t be eating off a plate for much longer, but off his tray: it’s a little too tempting for him to flip the tray over, and spill food everywhere.