week 48

This week we’re starting to come to terms with Puff’s impending birthday. We can now refer to him as an “11 month old”: it seems he’s been a 10-month-old forever, but everything keeps moving forward.

On the desk here as I write this are photos of him when he was younger. This week, I saw a draft copy of the invitation that Kel has made for his upcoming birthday party… lots of photos of his face as it’s changed over the months so far. Seeing that evoked a flood of happy memories – this whole parenting thing is an emotional journey: more than I was expecting it to be.

Puff continues to evolve a personality. He answers the animal noise questions when he’s in the right mood: when he’s not, it’s because he’s looking around at the world, or distracted by something. He has more and more energy and desire to move around. If we put him down on the ground after carrying him for a while, he’s less likely to scream, and more likely to simply start playing with the toys that we’re always careful to make sure are within arm’s reach.

In an attempt to prolong his good behaviour in the cafe where we met B&K on Saturday, we brought his eating chair. He managed to stay there, and in a good mood, long enough for us to eat and have at least one round of hot drinks. After that, though, it was time to let him out of the chair and explore a little. When the environment suits, he’s starting to try and stand up: if not to stand, then at least to prop himself up somewhat.

trying to stand

On Sunday we went to a different cafe, and took the eating chair again: this time we had a bit more success. Even though he’d been asleep in the car moments before, he coped with the change in scene remarkably well, thanks in part to the chair.

fetch my eating chair!

If you’re picturing a perfectly well behaved child sitting motionless in a chair, perhaps this time-lapse video will help clarify what it’s like to visit a cafe with him now.