week 43

Another week and more exciting developments (at least to his parents) for Puff.

* he’s now ticklish: if you tickle him, he will reliably laugh
* he has picked a few phrases that, when repeated near him, will make him laugh (eg “bam!”, “pig pig pig!”)
* he is up to 5 teeth as of this evening.
* he can high five when the mood takes him.

When we took him to a cafe on Wednesday as part of some exam-study procrastination, we found that just the teaspoon wasn’t enough to hold his attention, so we gave him extra toys, and ultimately mum’s bag to play with. This saw him last long enough for mum and dad to eat *and* drink coffee.

the full set of distractions

A trip to the dentist for mum and dad in the last little while brought advice on how to get Puff ready for a life of looking after his teeth. We’ve bought him a 0-2 year old’s toothbrush that he can use as a toy. He puts up a serious fight if you try and brush his teeth with it, but left to his own devices, he tries it out from time to time.

trying out the toothbrush

We went to a friend’s 5th birthday party, and he had his first taste of party food! Sure, it was a carrot stick, but it’s a start. He’ll be eating cocktail frankfurts and fairy bread in no time.

first go at party food (carrot)

Apart from this, the usual traditions and routines that we’ve established continue on as ever. We think that his 5th tooth was causing him some upset: he went from his usual 12-14 hour nightly sleep back to about 10 hours, and was pretty stroppy and short tempered for a few days, but seems to be back to his normal self again now.