We’ve had some family time together this week with Dad on leave, and so in addition to the extra time playing screens that go with the holidays, there have been various adventures with Dad. After a period of time playing Peasant’s Quest on the computer, Puff drew his first ever picture of Trogdor the Burninator. This could be the first dragon drawing that has made it onto this blog!
More of the week was spent preparing for different Christmas events. The kids decorated a gingerbread / shortbread house together. Huff is really the most interested decorator of the two, but they both contributed.
After lunch at Grandma and Doc’s house, (we forgot to take a family photo), we stopped for afternoon tea at a friend’s place.
Then before we knew it, it was Boxing Day, and time for lunch with another part of the family. When the kids weren’t having fun in the blow-up pool, they were playing with some of their gifts from the previous couple of days.
There was some gardening to catch up on. Huff was keen to volunteer her services for some father-daughter time – she did a good job with the rake!
Each of the kids had received a gift from our next-door neighbour. Huff’s was a set of three plaster-of-paris Frozen dolls, and a bunch of paints. Dad helped with the colour mixing, and some touch-ups.
Puff’s gift was a remote-control helicopter. Here we are on its maiden voyage (it flew wildly into the air, then stopped flying and dropped from a significant height, but looks like it can still fly… time will tell). According to the box, it’s for age 14+, so it might be a bit of a stretch.
We celebrated the end of public holidays with a cafe trip. Huff is enjoying some of the colouring books that came her way over the Christmas period.
Overall, we were impressed with how the kids went through Christmas. Despite being given a huge number of gifts, they remained well behaved, polite and grateful, and have (for the most part) been patiently waiting for the right opportunity to play with them. It continues to be a joy to watch them growing up.