With all the Christmas celebrations, the kids have more access than usual to torches and glow-in-the-dark toys, which you’ll see in this week’s photos. Huff thought it was hilarious to put the candle-torch under her pyjama shirt, and to be fair, there’s a certain Iron Man aspect to it that works.
The exciting event for this week was the end-of-preschool disco. Huff had a necklace and bracelet to wear under the disco lighting.
There was a massive (20 min) queue for face-painting. Puff came along to the disco as well, and managed to persuade the poor face-painter that an Angry Bird was something she’d be able to do. It’s odd to see Puff at pre-school, now that he’s finished another year of school. he seems too big for the place, but it seems like only yesterday he was there.
Huff waited patiently in the face painting queue to get her rainbow. She was so happy with it that she slept with her face still painted, and wore a rainbow the next day as well!
The kids helped Mum with some shopping. They’re very patient.
Saturday, despite the heat, Puff was really keen to go for a walk with Dad. We ended up (after walking a few kilometres) getting cold drinks together. Puff was very glad to see his milkshake, and finished it (almost) in one go.
The kids (and Mum) had dentist appointments this week as well: there were some anxious moments, but no lasting bad memories, which is a tribute to modern dentistry.
Oh, and Huff was given a new pair of sunglasses.
Lots of other small events; we played Cluedo together as a family (Huff was bored fairly quickly, but still played for a while). We’ve been trying to make more time to do things together, and try and spend blocks of time offline – it gives the kids a lot more creativity and capacity to be observant, but there’s a lot of additional whinging. So it’s a trade-off.