week 378 / week 250

Lots more end-of-year tasks at the moment. Huff was putting together Christmas ornaments and gifts for his friends.

huff making presents for her friends

Puff has finally reached the point in the school year where we get to see him perform his school drama. Here he is in costume as “Narrator 1” (there are 2 narrators in the play).

puff, in narrator costume

Huff decided that this toy would make a good beard.

huff and her

Saturday morning we had a quiet day at home, and Dad finally retrieved and set up the Christmas tree. The kids decorated it.

huff and puff decorating the Christmas tree

Mum asked them to pose for a picture together. Puff has worked out how to minimise the height difference.

huff and puff posing for a Christmas photo

It was pretty late in the day will all the Christmas tree decorating, and we decided to go out for lunch. Puff was pretty hungry by the time we went out, so he was in a silly mood when we sat down.

puff ready for lunch

Here is a brief time capsule of the kids at church morning tea, having some snacks.

huff and puff at church morning tea

After church we had the kids’ great uncle’s 70th birthday party.

huff and puff at their uncle's 70th birthday party

After that, a violin performance by Puff, and then carols in the park. Huff sat in Dad’s lap to watch the fireworks – the first time she’s seen them in person.

huff dancing at carols

Lots of final things. Dad took Huff down for her last day of preschool.

huff - last day of preschool

And then another carols evening. Thanks to Aunty S and Grandragon for braving the weather. And to Huff for being silly in front of the camera.

huff posing for the camera

Only one more blog post until Christmas!

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