week 37

The high point for me this week was when I’d just returned home from work. Puff was playing on his mat, and I stood near him. He commando-crawled over to me, and when I put my hands out as if to pick me up, he grabbed my hands. He hasn’t done this again, but I’m sure he will.

Moving around is now second nature to Puff: if we sit him up, he’ll generally stay in the one place and look around, but once he’s on his back or belly, he will spin around to find the source of an interesting sound, or make his way towards something that looks interesting. He has no sense of fear at all: he only seems to know that he’s on a level surface, not that the surface is a metre off the ground!

something interesting over here

When we go to a cafe, though, we can still distract him (for a while) with a teaspoon, or a few teaspoons. He seems to get bored of his existing toys (though he generally has a favourite or two), but a teaspoon is never dull.

another cafe, another spoon

This week we had a few outings, and mother’s day, and also a surprise visit from the grandragon and great-grandragon. He managed to see them off at the airport, and even to stand (propped up) on a seat while looking at the plane.

saying ba-ba to the grandragon

A happier memory, to close on, is some actual footage of him heading for the camera. Apologies for the background noise, but it’s really all about watching his face, and watching him move.

Oh, if you’re trying to keep track of sizes, he varies between size 00 and size 0 for clothes, and between “crawler” and “toddler” nappies – the larger, “toddler” ones at night, though sometimes in the morning he needs a more substantial change – to some dry clothes – too. And occasionally, during the day, as occurred at the airport, there are some spectacular nappy changes that require an outfit change too. Not for the faint-hearted.