week 34

Another week, another tooth. While Puff still doesn’t appreciate having his teeth photographed, we persevere.
two teeth!

One high point this week was being given his first balloon to play with – a helium balloon. He found it completely fascinating, and would just stare up and watch it floating. We then showed him that he could grab its string and hit it around a bit… best toy yet (for a short while, anyway). The next day, having lost some of its helium, it wasn’t quite so fun, and the day after that, it was more dangerous than fun, so it disappeared.

first balloon

Uncle Andrew produced his “Gloomy Bear” toy, which looks quite scary, really, but has no fear for Puff.

puff with gloomy bear

A rare Sunday morning visit to a cafe for breakfast… how to keep Puff quiet? Give him a teaspoon. We’ve known about the distraction powers of the spoon for a while, but here for the first time, a timelapse of how it works (click through for the video).


Lastly, I thought I’d give you a window into the amount of work that Mum does to keep Puff eating: here’s a small sample of the variety of food that he eats.

squash towerpumpkinpeachcauliflowerpeachspinachbroccolibeans