week 33

Another week: this one was overshadowed with all the things we did for Easter. Good Friday morning we managed to get up and ready in time for a 9am service – no mean feat. Puff enjoyed the service for a while, but Dad spent most of the sermon pacing around with him in the back of the church. It was good to see our church family at Easter time, but that was only the first part of our weekend!

first good friday service

In the afternoon, we all jumped in the car, and drove up to Blackheath where some of our friends were staying for KEC (Katoomba Easter Convention). We had dinner there, briefly debated heading up for the evening sessions, but ended up staying in and catching up.

eating dinner with two chairs

Saturday morning we witnessed the chaos of 4 adults and 5 children getting ready to leave together – somehow we all made it down to the convention centre. Mum did a great job getting up the hill with Puff, and Dad carried the various things that we’d need for the morning. Now that Puff is eating fruit and vegetables and meat, there are a lot of little items to remember: it’s a good thing that Mum does a great job preparing everything (more on that in next week’s post).

first KEC

We went home on Saturday night, and had a relatively good drive down – we managed to dodge much of the traffic by taking some back streets.

Easter Sunday we were aiming for evening service, and so around lunchtime we headed to Grind so that we could catch up with some other friends. Puff managed to be happy and excited for his whole trip to Grind, but then needed a nap afterwards as we spent some time around the beach with M,R and S.

happy at grind

On Monday we spent the day at Aunty Chan’s house for her birthday. Puff – with all his experience opening presents – helped Aunty Chan. Here they are working together.

helping aunty chan open her birthday present

We were surprised to find on Easter Monday that Puff now had his first tooth! Sadly, we couldn’t get a photo of it (he wasn’t being very co-operative), so that will have to wait until next week.