week 32

The big thing for this week was puff’s baptism. Family (and my friend Michelle) came down from Queensland, and there was a lot of activity. Nonetheless, we managed to keep Puff to his routines pretty well, and so although he was tired at the end of the day a few times, he was still sleeping through the night quite well.

His latest trick is to get up early in the morning (4, 5, or 6) and have a quick feed, then go back to sleep for a while.

Here is a highly abbreviated version of the baptism: for me, the best part was the pre-amble, and the prayers that Puff would become a Christian: this is something that I pray with him each night before bed, so it was great to have a whole church praying it. I wasn’t expecting to feel as happy about having him baptised as I did: it was a good thing to do, I think.

handing over for baptism
being baptised
after the baptism

His aunty chan decorated this cake: it looked fantastic. Sadly, it didn’t say “Puff”, so we’ve had to make some changes for the website.

baptism cake

Puff also had a go at opening his baptism presents: he now has a lot more books to read (and a few other things).

opening presents

Not only did the cake look great, many people have commented that it was also delicious.

the remains of the cake

But it wasn’t all baptism and family gatherings this week: we had a chance to go back to eveleigh markets, where Dad even took a few photos with his fancy camera (instead of the usual compact digital)

curious at the markets

Another highlight was testing out a new toy with the grandragon.

playing with new toy, and grandragon

There were other family members who had a chance to spend some time with Puff: notably the great grandragon had a chance to spend some time with him on Monday. And Tuesday, Mum and Dad had (anti) whooping cough injections, to try and keep him healthy.