We’re well and truly into the swing of school activities. Puff had a Father’s Day breakfast at school, so we had bacon and egg rolls for breakfast together. It was good to have a chat to him on the way to school.
After breakfast, we headed in towards the city to have coffee with a friend. Huff had a babycino, and met our friend for the first time.
After school we had a quick trip to the local library. The kids queued very patiently waiting to have their hands stamped.
On Saturday night we had a friend’s birthday party.Puff took the chance to practice his speech with a friend.
On Sunday it was Father’s Day. The kids gave Dad some presents, and then we headed to church – our youth group was cooking more bacon and egg rolls for everyone who came along.
After church Dad and the kids went for a quick walk to 7-11 for slurpees. Everyone was very happy about it?
Puff spent time in the afternoon icing and decorating a cake. He was concentrating very hard the whole time, but the result was very impressive.
On Monday Puff had his inter-school public speaking competition. He did a great job, but was beaten on the day by a couple of other kinder kids.
Huff also had the chance to show off her playground skills – after being a bit hesitant, she was climbing and sliding on everything she could find.