week 288 / week 160

With Mum sick for much of this week, Dad took some time off work above and beyond the planned trip to the Zoo this Friday, and so after the school run on Thursday, there was a chance for Dad and Huff to have some time together.

huff with dad

We went to Kindermusik together, and then home via the library, where Huff made a wide selection of books, and had two rides on this dinosaur.

huff at the library

We also managed to spend some time getting pizza (well, oregano pizza) together, and did some cooking before the afternoon school run. Sadly, there had been too much excitement in the day, and she fell asleep just before we picked up Puff from school. By then, the cowboy hat (not a cowgirl hat, as it was Puff’s) was a fixture.

huff, resting on the school run

Thursday, after a trip to the physio, Puff and Dad had dinner together, and then went for a short slurpee walk for dessert. It was a slightly later night than planned, but it was good to share chats.

puff out for a walk with Dad

Mum was busily putting Huff to bed again, with mixed results.

mum and huff lying down

Friday was the big zoo trip day. Here is a family photo, snapped awkwardly in the mirror of the lift.

family photo in the mirror

There were lots of good things about the zoo trip, not least spending time with our friends M, T, H and Z. The place-your-head-in-something-and-take-a-picture displays were popular with the kids.

huff and puff being chimpanzees

The fenec fox was popular. Puff decided to close his eyes for this photo: not sure if it makes him look more or less like a fox.

puff being a fenec fox

Huff’s favourite animal was by far the Elephant.

huff's favourite animal was the elephant

The kids were very big fans of the water play area near this bird pen – lots of animals walking around and lots of water to splash in.

huff and puff with turkeys

After that, Dad was expecting Huff to be exhausted, but she just wanted to lay on the grass for a moment and stretch.

huff starfishing

Immediately afterwards, she was running along saying “chugga chugga choo choo!” and insisting that Dad walk immediately behind her.

This didn’t leave room for Puff, who also wanted to drive the train, but we eventually sorted it out.huff and puff arguing on how to pretend to be a train

We also managed to check the size of the kids against external markers. Here’s Puff’s latest wingspan.

puff checking his wingspan

And here’s Huff’s wingspan.huff checking her wingspan

We also measured their height against penguins. Puff was very excited to be the height of an emperor penguin.

huff, puff and H being penguins

Once the zoo closed, we went for dinner, via ferry. Huff had a nap.

mum, puff and sleeping huff

Puff fell asleep after dinner, but Huff pushed through, keen to test out her new penguin torch.

huff with her penguin torch

Monday morning was babycinos before school. Huff was very excited about this.

huff out for a babycino

Puff was more stoic.

puff in school regalia

And Mum snapped this one today – it’s a mix of Huff showing off her fashion sense and identifying the number 3 – both have been prominent features of the week.

huff on a fashion walk

We continue to search for wisdom with Puff and his use of screens. A bit of a meltdown on Sunday led Dad to take Puff on a long walk in the sunshine, which was fun for both of them, and not completely peppered with stories of video game adventures.

Homework continues to be an interesting adventure.

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