week 26

Today, puff turns six months old, and this week just gone has been our 26th week with him. To say “how time flies” would be an understatement. It’s already hard to remember a time without him in our lives.

This week marked a number of changes, not all of which we have photos for. His evening routine has been carefully honed now: bath time (usually with dad), some food, then a couple of stories, into his sleep-bag, and then straight to bed. This week, we’ve changed from a short story (is there any other kind for his attention span?) and his flip-tab bible to the “Big Picture Story Bible”. This later book is a beautiful hard-cover book with normal pages. Reading is a constant dance to keep the pages away from his hands and feet, and just show him the pictures. Both mum and dad have tried this, and the book has suffered minor abrasions on each parent’s watch.

after a bath

This week also marked his six month immunisations, which were performed by a different nurse to usual. Instead of sitting on Dad’s lap, and staring accusingly at mum, he lay down on the bed in the doctor’s office, and Dad watched while the nurse put a needle in one leg, and then the other. He was so brave – he barely cried for 20 seconds before being happy again.

As part of the growing-up process, we also “introduced solids”. In this case, it meant a small amount of rice cereal with boiled water. There was initial confusion, where he thought it was a toy, and tried to touch the spoon.

what's this?

Later that day, though, he seemed to have figured it out, keeping his hands away, and getting his whole head involved in working with the spoon.

rice cereal

With less success, we tried to get him to drink boiled water out of a baby’s cup. So far, we’ve just seen any water that made it into his mouth flow back out again.

trying out a cup

Other firsts for the week:
* first yum cha (with mum and dad and aunty Chan and uncle Jordan)
* first evening church sitting up the front