Another wintery week. Huff is loving having a hand-me-down scarf to wear. Huff has lots of her own clothes, but has this week been wearing some hand-me-downs. Not as many photos taken this week as the average: we must be settling back into a routine!
One morning this week, Dad put his head into the lounge room to see the kids cheerfully playing together: Huff was helping Puff sort out the Blokus pieces and put them back in their respective bags.
Friday saw the kids head back to a favourite play centre to catch up with their friends E and O. They did lots of running around, but the spinning car was a favourite again.
On Saturday we made a trip to our favourite cafe in Woonona: Puff had fun working on their pom-pom project (despite the serious expression on his face).
Huff had fun playing with wool, but wasn’t yet ready for the patience and motor-skill requirements of pom-pom building.
After breakfast we headed back the scenic way, and walked over the sea cliff bridge (with Bandit): the kids had a great time (Puff noted that the rocks looked like cupcakes, and the sea looked like icing for the cupcakes). Dad found it darkly funny when some tourists with a little girl who was on a leash and a harness had the chance to pat Bandit who was also on a leash and a harness.
Huff is speaking more and more often. She can form more complex sentences: if she’s misunderstood, and then someone says whatever it was she meant to say, she will chip in “that’s what I was saying”. She’s also getting better at using the right word for the possessive: it took a few goes, but she corrected herself each time.