week 254 / week 126

Huff is now almost the same age as Puff was when she was born. Time flies! 

The kids broke with their usual tradition of creating edible breakfasts by churning out this delicious pretend breakfast on Sunday morning. They went to some trouble, pretend cooking the eggs and the toast before combining them on the plate and bringing them over. You can see Puff hurrying in the background as the waiter.

imaginary breakfast

Mum introduced the kids to a dessert food called “Marshmallow Fluff”. It was a hit with both of them, in moderation.

marshmallow fluff

In an ill-advised move, we left home around 3:30 in the afternoon and took the kids to Cronulla for dinner and to walk the dog. Huff was asleep by the time we reached Cronulla, and Puff was a bit out of sorts too, but we managed a pleasant enough family dinner, and put the kids to bed only somewhat late.

puff with bandit at sunset

The kids were, perhaps tired from helping Dad with some gardening. They did a good job for a while, until the boredom set in and they went back inside for lunch.

puff and huff helping with the gardening

Saturday was the baby shower for +1. The kids had fun playing with toys afterward in the church hall. Here’s Huff with her friend O.

huff at the baby shower

Huff was also playing blocks with her friend J. Dad was helping, but only to make sure the structure was somewhat physically sound, not at all to play with the brightly coloured blocks. Well, perhaps a little.

huff playing blocks with J

Huff’s favourite thing at the party was to draw with Sharpies, perhaps a little too zealously at times.huff with a sharpie

As part of the baby shower, Huff and Puff went for a walk with their friends E & O, and the two Dads. We had babycinos and some food. Huff’s favourite thing about this cafe seems to be the cookies.

huff, cookie monster

A visit to this particular staircase was a race between the kids to see who could climb to the top first. Huff had enough of a headstart to be competitive, but Puff managed to scrape by with a win.

huff and puff racing up the stairs


See you next week!

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