We spent a lot of time with the kids this week, but didn’t take a lot of photos. Lots of normal, everyday life kinds of things, but the weekend was probably the highlight. Saturday morning we watched some videos at home with the kids in an effort to sleep in a little, but ultimately jumped in the car to drive south to a cafe. The kids we enjoying it for a while (Puff asked to be able to read their coffee book again, and Dad tried to explain the graphs to him in as interesting a way as possible).
Huff was happy to stay in the cafe for a long while, but Puff was keen to walk around the suburb and explore. We stopped by a gallery, and spotted a blackboard for kids to use. Puff was pretty keen to draw this duckling, and then show off his duckling skills.
We kept walking for a while (Puff knows his times tables up to 6x pretty confidently, though you can tell the ones where a song has helped). He finds the zero times table the funniest.
A short drive further south and we were at Kiama, where Huff and Puff split a hot dog and walked along exploring the markets.
After a lot of walking, the best part of the trip was watching the blowhole work its magic – Huff was fairly convinced it was a dragon sneezing, and would say “achoo dragon” and “bless you dragon” alternately, stopping only to encourage Mum and Dad to keep watching in between dragon sneezes.
We thought this sign was too good an opportunity not to photograph. Mum had them say “Serious injury”, but we made sure there was no risk of that (the danger is on the other side of the sign).
The kids were keen for a lot more running around even after that, so we played on the grass near the lighthouse. They paused for a picture on this little “table” – a map showing the sights in all directions.
On the way home we called in to see Aunty C for a cup of tea, and then went home, grabbing some dinner on the way while the kids’ behaviour held out.
The next day it was rainy enough to wear gumboots to church. The kids had a great time splashing in the puddles.
Later in the day we stayed in, out of the weather, and made home-made pizzas and watched the Octonauts. It was a weekend where Dad spent enough time with the kids that when he heard someone else’s child say “Dad”, his initial thought was that the other child meant him.
There’s been some fractured sleep this week. Huff in particular is devising ever more elaborate rituals for her night-time soft toys, and calls out for help if they’re not tucked in correctly in the middle of the night.
Here’s to sunnier weekends ahead (or at least more time with the gumboots).