The kids spent a lot of time this week waiting, which they did – by all reports – very well. Here they are at the RTA (the second trip that day, as they looked for one that could help).
In the spirit of contrast, the kids were also able to spend a lot of time running around: here they are holding hands at the duck park. It was a fun trip for them – a place they enjoy spending time, and that only costs us the price of some bread.
Friday was swimming lessons day; when they realised they started practicing swimming on Puff’s bed, actually doing laps (they have yet to master tumble-turns).
Grandragon was watching Octonauts with them one morning. Everyone was worried that the underwater explorers were in danger, but it all worked out in the end.
Saturday morning Puff was drawing lots of ducklings in chalk, and giving advice on how to draw them to Dad, Huff, anyone who would listen, really.
Saturday afternoon we went to the dog show at Erskine Park to see some relatives and their dogs, and to have a look around. It was a great surprise to find that the kids were eligible to be in a practice “junior handler” demonstration, where they had to ‘show’ the toy dogs (little inflatable dogs on wheels). They did well enough that they won toy dogs, and Huff even won a little trophy for being the youngest. This new, Clifford dog has been added to the menagerie of night-time soft toys in her cot. Puff’s dog, named “Schnitzel von Crumm” was already pretending to be a different dog by church time the next day.
We visited Grandma and Doc on Sunday after Dad and Puff went for a walk for a couple of suburbs. He was pretty happy that we could catch up on some chats (I don’t know where that expression has come from, except from the kids picture bible that we read him), so that will be something we try again.
And tonight the kids had the chance to try out a bubbler in an unusual way – good to see some teamwork.
A great week for imagination, waiting and running.